Linear mode is the best way to combine two or more partitions on the same disk into a single volume. 线性模式是将同一磁盘上的两个或多个分区组合为单个卷的最好方法。
This disk has been allocated to an existing volume group ( rootvg). 这个磁盘已经被分配给了现有的一个卷组(rootvg)。
We capture the current disk and volume group configuration with several LVM commands. 我们用几个LVM命令捕获当前的磁盘和卷组配置。
You must have enough disk space in a volume group on the NIM master to host the client's rootvg file systems, plus some space for the migration of each client. 您必须在NIM主机上的一个卷组中拥有足够的磁盘空间来容纳客户机的rootvg文件系统,并为每个客户机的迁移预留一些空间。
Ensure the NIM client has a spare disk ( not allocated to a volume group) large enough to contain a complete copy of its rootvg. 确保NIM客户机拥有一个空闲磁盘(没有分配到任何卷组),这个磁盘的容量应该足够容纳它的rootvg的一个完整副本。
D= Disk Gives you more information about your disks, disk type sizes, free, volume groups, adapter, and so forth. D=磁盘(Disk)提供关于磁盘、磁盘类型大小、可用空间、卷组、适配器等更详细的信息。
This includes the physical architecture, logical disk geometry, and logical volume and file system configuration. 这包括物理体系结构、逻辑磁盘排列,以及逻辑卷和文件系统配置。
It also passes the concerned disk name and volume group name in the DISK_NAME and VG_NAME fields. 它还会在DISKNAME和VGNAME字段中传递相关的磁盘名和卷组名。
How to add a disk to a volume group? 如何将磁盘添加到卷组?
If one physical disk dies, the linear volume is generally unrecoverable. 如果一个物理磁盘报废,线性卷通常不可恢复。
Because all disks are already under the control of the LVM, you don't need to partition nor define disk as being under a volume manager. 因为所有的磁盘都已在LVM的控制之下,所以您不需要分区或将磁盘定义为受卷管理器管理。
Customize the customer virtual memory size according to your logical disk volume. 根据您的逻辑磁盘卷自定义客户虚拟内存的大小。
Use these disk to create user defined volume groups. 使用这些磁盘创建用户定义的卷组。
Make sure you get the disk space and the traffic volume you need. 首先需要确定你有足够的磁盘空间以及你所需要通信量。
However, the industry agreed that the new disk volume will not be a "blowout" and will be slow and orderly. 然而,业界一致认为,新的磁盘卷不会“井喷”和将是缓慢而有序。
Conversion of a boot disk containing part of a basic volume is not yet supported. 尚不支持含有部分基本卷的启动磁盘的转换。
You must save as another file because the original is write-protected, or someone else is using it, or the disk or volume is not present. 由于源文件处于写保护状态或正由别人使用,或由于磁盘或卷不可用,您必须把文件“另存为”一个新文件。
You can extend a simple or spanned volume on a dynamic disk so long as that volume is formatted as NTFS and so long as the volume is not the system or boot volume. 只要单一或跨区卷在NTFS下格式化并且不是系统卷或根卷,你可以在动态磁盘上扩充该卷。
Disk Defragmenter cannot run on this volume type. The plastics and bits of aluminum mixed in with the scrapes of cardboard are no problem in the pressing process. 磁盘碎片整理程序无法在这个卷类型上运行。即便掺有塑料和一些铝的碎片压制起来也无妨。
Logical Disk Manager cannot open a volume on the disks to be converted. 逻辑磁盘管理器无法打开要转换的磁盘上的卷。
Analyzing the basic structure of managing disk data on NTFS volume 浅析NTFS管理磁盘数据的基本结构
NOTE: disk performance counters can also be enabled or disabled for specific disks and volumes individually by using the property pages for the specific disk or volume. 注意:也可用特定磁盘或卷的属性页来为指定的磁盘或卷单独启用或禁用磁盘性能计数器。
The system's Fault Tolerant state could not be recovered. Any disk mirroring, striping, or volume sets will have to be recreated manually. 未能恢复系统的容错状态。磁盘镜像、带状划分或卷集都要重新手动创建。
Type a name for the disk or volume. 为磁盘或宗卷键入名称。
Setting information for disk quotas on a volume. 设置卷的磁盘配额信息。
B.Enable disk quotas on the volume. 在卷上开启磁盘限额功能。
Disk Defragmenter cannot defragment this read-only volume 磁盘碎片整理程序无法整理这个只读卷
Traditional cryptographic technologies can protect digital information by encrypting the file or the whole disk volume. 传统方法使用对文件或整个磁盘进行加密来保护数据信息,加密后的信息本身无法隐藏自身的存在,文件本身的存在会促使感兴趣的攻击者破解加密信息。
A Research of Backup Method Based on Virtual Disk Service and Volume Shadow Copy Service 一种基于VDS和VSS的备份方法研究
Although hard disk volume becomes larger and larger and the storage speed becomes faster and faster, the traditional storage way of directly using hard disks faces challenging. 虽然硬盘的容量越来越大,存取速度不断加快,但对于某些用户来说,传统的直接硬盘存储方式已难以满足需要,更无法确保数据的一致性、安全性、可靠性以及数据的可管理性。